Developing Your Program Self-Check

Developing Your Program


Answer the following self-assessment questions prior to studying the information in the Developing Your Program module, including the Business & Industry Leadership Team (BILT) Toolkit. For each “yes” response, make a note of your reasoning and evidence. For each “Don’t know” response, make a note of how you would get started finding the answer.

Background on Your Program

Is the labor market demand strong and growing for graduates of your program (or potential new program)?

Don't know No Yes

What data sources do you use to determine labor market demand?
State DOL
Bureau of Labor Statistics (US DOL)
Local economist
Economic development board/corporation
Workforce investment board
Real-time LMI, Burning Glass, Emsi, etc.
Chamber of commerce

How satisfied is your college with your program’s enrollment numbers compared to other college programs?

Don't know Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied

How satisfied is your college with your program’s graduation rate compared to other college programs?

Don't know Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied

How satisfied is your college with your program’s placement rate compared to other college programs?

Don't know Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied

How satisfied is your college with your program’s placement rate compared to similar programs at other colleges in your service area?

Don't know Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied

Is lack of enrollment jeopardizing the continuation of your program?

Don't know No Yes  

How often do you conduct a low-enrollment program review?

Don't know Every years  


Academic Program Improvement Process

Are your program faculty required to engage in structured program improvement activities to keep programs current?

Don't know No Yes  

How often do these activities take place?

Don't know Twice annually More than twice annually

Your Program’s Business Team (Advisory Committee)

How often does the business team meet?

Don't know Monthly Annually Twice annually More than twice annually

Does the business team include representation from small, medium, and large employers?
(“Small” typically refers to businesses with less than $10 million in annual revenue.
“Medium” typically refers to businesses with annual revenue between $10 million and $100 million.
“Large” typically refers to businesses with over $100 million in annual revenue.)

Don't know No Yes  

Does the business team membership include a mix of technicians, technical managers, and high-level technical strategists?

Don't know No Yes    

Are the business team members knowledgable of the full range of skills addressed by your program? (Are all the types of businesses employing your graduates represented on the team?)

Don't know No Yes  

Do you use a structured, formal process annually with your business team to prioritize the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) they want graduates to have 12–36 months into the future?

Don't know No Yes, but not that far into the future Yes

How many companies are represented on your business team?

Don't know 1–5 companies 6–10 companies Over 10 companies

How many companies are typically represented at the meetings?

Don't know 1–5 companies 6–10 companies Over 10 companies

How many individuals typically attend the meetings?

Don't know 1–5 individuals 6–10 individuals Over 10 individuals

Do you regularly ask your business team to forecast technology trends?

Don't know No Yes  

Do you ask your business team to forecast labor market demand for your graduates at least annually?

Don't know No Yes  

Outside of business team meetings, how many companies are actively involved in providing additional support such as mentoring students, donating equipment, providing adjunct instructors, and providing professional development for faculty?

Don't know 1–3 companies 4–8 companies Over 8 companies  

How often do you invite new business members to join your business team?

Don't know As needed Every 5 years Every 3 years Annually

Do business team members actively recruit new members for the team?

Don't know No Yes    

How often does your business team evaluate itself and use that information to strengthen the team?

Don't know No self-evaluation As needed Every 3 years Annually

Goals and Program Input

Do you have goals for strengthening relationships with your business team members?

Don't know No Yes

Who is engaged in setting the goals?

No goals in place Administration Faculty Joint faculty and administration Industry committee chair

Are the goals SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timebound)?

Don't know No Yes    

Are specific individuals tasked with the improvement activities?

Don't know No Yes    

Program Development Results

Do faculty cross-reference KSAs identified by the business team to existing curriculum and update the curriculum to address business needs?

Don't know No Yes    

Do faculty provide feedback to the business team regarding how they have integrated the prioritized KSAs and other business input into curriculum?

Don't know No Yes    

Other Relevant Questions

Do employers of those graduating from this program require job candidates to pass a drug test?

Don't know No Yes Some do  

Are employers willing to hire graduates who have a criminal record?

Don't know No Yes Some are