A resource of the Advancing Credentials through Career Pathways project
This Toolkit is a compilation of resources, activities, and strategies from the field to assist you in improving relationships with your local and regional employers.
We’ve organized the Toolkit into five modules. Each one includes:
- An Introduction
- Self-check
- College Activities
- Employer Outreach Activities
- Strategies from the Field
- Resources
- Feedback Form
Before diving into one of the modules, we invite you to read the Toolkit’s Introduction. It provides an organizing framework that will help orient you to the modules.
Module Topics:
- “Knowing Your Audience” provides resources to identify and engage employers who may not be currently connected to your college.
- “Developing Your Program” provides activities and resources related to curriculum development using a focused approach for employer input.
- “Mining for Deeper Engagement” guides you through activities to ensure that you are mutually meeting your employer’s and the college’s needs.
- “Generating Support” suggests ways in which to work with employers to meet the college’s goals.
- “Joining Voices” gives insight on ways to engage employers to be advocates for your college.
Although you may initially be drawn to a particular topic, we encourage you to explore all of the modules. And, check back often as new Resources are added.
Because this is the Pilot version of the Toolkit, we encourage your feedback. Please use the Feedback Form in each module to communicate with us about what you liked, what you would change, and additional content or resources you would like to see.